求助 opt 期间突然收到Intent To Revoke Notice


Intent To Revoke Notice Was Sent

On October 23, 2020, we mailed you a notice explaining our intent to revoke our earlier approval of your case, Receipt Number--------. The notice explains what we will do. Please follow the instructions in the notice and submit any requested materials. If you do not receive your notice before November 6, 2020, contact the USCIS Contact Center at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address.

我是去年12月批准的 今年2月开始工作的 ead也弄的那时候开始


因为信也没到 也不知道具体要做什么 大家有收到过类似的么 谢谢!!
还是要咨询下公司律师 要做什么 真的好慌啊 哭

求助 opt 期间突然收到Intent To Revoke Notice 继续讨论:

有点僵硬啊 兄弟

插眼关注 你哪个公司得?

