谷歌 new grad 全职上门

第一轮 functions for isPalindrome and isPangram, then write a function to use a dictionary to concatenate words to find shortest phrase that is both palindrome and pangram.

第二轮 BQ

  1. why do you want to come to Google?
  2. what suggestion do you have for one Google product?
  3. tell me a time when the task requirement is not clear and how you work on the problem
  4. tell me a time when you spent considerable time to help others
  5. Imagine working on a project with 4 other people and one person present the result taking all credits, what would you do?

第三轮 Maximum Sum Subarray, 然后要求找subarray 满足 a[i] == a[j] 相等的subarray,当然 i 可以等于 j,注意返回的都是 Pair(start, end)

第四轮 Optimal Account Balancing 变种

第五轮 check if a tree is balanced, the tree has weight and depth