Interview 1 [Hiring Manager] - 1 Hour
50% Behavioral - 50% Technical

Tell me about a time you handled pressure.
Tell me about a time you had a conflict with your manager.
Tell me about a time you had to work with a difficult coworker.

Interview 2 [Bar Raiser] - 1 Hour
100% Technical - System Design

Design a system to capture unique addresses in the entire world.
Answer: Discussed the overall system design, APIs, techniques for cleaning address data, finding a unique address amongst a set of duplicates, processing, storing and retrieving it in an effecient manner.

Interview 3 [Potential Team member] - 1 Hour
25% Behavioral - 75% Technical

Tell me about the time when you took an initiative to solve a complex problem.
Explain a high level system architecture view of the problem you solved.

  2. How will you manage the processing of frequently used items?
    Answer: Dicussion and designing LRU cache []

Interview 4 - 1 Hour
25% Behavioral - 75% Technical

Tell me about the time when you had to learn something new. I was asked more follow-up questions around this.

  1. Find an element in nearly sorted array with elements slightly shuffled in a span of indices where new position is +/- 1 or 2 of correct position .
    e.g. Find element 5 where input: [3 ** 5** 4 7 11 23 51 60]. Notice the element 5 is at a location: [correct index - 1].
  2. Iterative solution of level wise traversal to find a difference between summation of odd and even levelled nodes of a binary tree.