[晋升 Get promoted] 我值得升职吗?

specifics of comp difference at level X to X+1 at any specific company aside, I find the discussion quite interesting.
This is talking about levels beyond what’s considered “terminal level”, could be 5 (sr) -> 6, 6 -> 7 etc.
Here are some of my thoughts (specifically regarding IC roles)


  • Scope, the nature of the work that you do on a daily basis would be completely different. At higher levels you start to think less about the nitty gritty details, and instead focus more on opportunities and strategies, going after bigger and more ambiguous things, which can be more intellectually stimulating.
  • Trust, and more leeway to take more risks (for more rewards), if you build up your career in a conventional ways, higher levels automatically earns you more trust. You get to call the big shots and decide things that an L5 simply won’t be able to pull off. High level ICs’ time horizon is also much longer, and you can afford to try more approaches.
  • Power (yes it is a thing), respect. This is pretty obvious, at least for companies that reveal people’s levels. A rare 5%, 2%, 1% level absolutely is a badge of honor.
  • Autonomy: You largely decide your own work. Few people can now tell you what to do. You largely define your own scope and measure of success (to an extent).
  • Flexibility/Freedom to go after fresher things, less need to remain stuck on stale stuff. You pick and choose what you work on. (to a certain extent)
  • Radius of impact scales out. Your decision impacts more people, projects, and the business to a greater extent.
  • Quality of network would improve drastically. After a certain level (if you share on linkedin) you suddenly got on a lot of lists, you get invited to quality networking events, and have access to key decision makers at major companies.
  • Quality of peers. The people you interact with would mostly be at a similar level. Let’s be honest, if you are a L6, interaction with a solid L7/8 is way more engaging and effective, than pretty much any great L4/5. The level of communication would just be at another level. When both sides can operate at various abstraction levels, going deep when needed and quickly backtrack up otherwise, the grounds you can cover during a simple 30min meeting is very hard to match by regular L4/5s. Exceptions may apply - and this is talking in general, in aggregate, in distribution, not in particulars.
  • Comp (the difference could get big at later stages, and also, high variable)


  • with higher scope, impact and comp, comes higher responsibility and accountability
  • The impact of your failures will scale out too, so will the visibility. Harder to fly under the radar when you only have like, 3 other peers.
  • You have to say no a lot. More people demand a piece of your time, worthy or not
  • More demanding job, that may or may not be proportional to your increase in comp


  • Leadership requirement - this could be either a pro or a con, depends on who you ask