谷歌 SDE1 面经

Status: SDE at Defense Company, BA CS Top 20 CS school
Position: SDE 1 Google
Location: SunnyVale, CA
Date: May 6 2019

Technical phone screen (1 hour):
Simple Very Easy LeetCode question that escalated into how MapReduce Works. Wanted me to design map reduce system and long discussion about tradeoffs on map reduce. Moved to onsite after 1 phone screen.

Onsite (5 rounds):
Tree Pathing, HashMap of grid, Random number, ArrayList Integer sums + behavioural interview
I suspect that lunch interview is part of it.
They are very good at making you feel like you are doing well. However, the standard is that you need to dominate and smash every single round. Do mediocre on one and its almost over unless you dominate the other 4. Don’t believe the BS that you can fail one and do mediocre one another as long as the other 3 are fine. The stories of people failing/doing mediocre on one or two and still getting an offer are likely because they are women or are non asian minority.