【工作机会】西雅图 Grab SDE/DS positions

发信人: offline (独酌客), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: 【工作机会】西雅图 Grab SDE/DS positions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 15 22:57:25 2019, 美东)

7 openings to be filled before end of June

DS: Working experience required. Experience in GPS/telemetry/NPL related area recommended.

SDE: All levels. Working experience highly recommended.

You will have lots of chance to build projects from scratch. SDE work closely with DS and have opportunity to gain ML experience if interested.

Compensation is competitive. Could try match FG offers. Work balance is good, usually 955 or 1065.

Please send resume to gu.weiqin@gmail.com if interested. Thanks!

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