
23yo, Male, in Amazon for 6 months as a SDE1.
My manager : female, Indian.

I want to be a female and decided to do the transgender surgery.

At inside.amazon there is a trans guideline - it has a communication plan. First, the employee needs to talk to HR. Then HR will discuss with the manager with the “come out “ plan to help the employee.

I first told HR that I wanted to do the transgender surgery, and then talked to my manager. My manager said “S**T” and then had a meeting with HR immediately.

Later in the afternoon , I got PIPed. My manager said I had performance issue and have to leave Amazon. That all happens after I told her I want to do the transgender surgery and wanna take two days off. Before that, my manager said I was a super star in the team.

What should I do? Please help.

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