

hr 为何会要求?这算是background check还是什么?具体是怎么个要求法?

I want to keep you updated on what’s happening next: I am working on gathering all the feedback from your interviews, and once it’s collected, it will be reviewed by our hiring committee. In order to submit your packet, I need to collect the following information from you. Can you please respond to the following?

  1. Please confirm the start and end dates (month and year) of your attendance for all degree programs and work experience listed on your resume.
  2. Please provide me with your updated resume, only if it has changed since your interview.
  3. Are you able to share any details regarding your competing offers? I’d like to be able to share this with our compensation team so that we can get our offer as close to theirs (or higher) if we move forward in the process so we don’t have to go back and forth in the end. Note: This is not a confirmation of positive or negative feedback as we are still in the review stage.


