Facebook Senior再被据

Story continued from last year attempt
Position: E5 for Facebook
Technology: Android client side development
Interview Location: Phone screen and onsite @ FB Singapore for USA
Date: November, 2019
Final Status: Not selected.
Feedback: Done very good in coding rounds, but design round didn’t show presence of Android knowledge. They took some 3 weeks to respond, from their feedback I felt that I was in grey area and they were confused to finalize, as coding & behaviour went well and the desings were also good but only they felt short of Andorid knowledege.
Prepration schedule: As feedback from last year round, my focus was 100% on coding (that was a mistake).
LeetCode nothing else

  • Continued prepration on leet code at snail pace after last year’s interview.
  • Pumped it by June 2019 and spend at least 1-2 hour on average solving questions.
  • Initially kept targetting easy questions to motivate my self, and then moved to medium and harder problems.
  • By Septermber started practicing mostly on white borad.
  • Took LeetCode premium subscription for 1 month in November, to see company wise analytics. This helped alot, in targetting all the questions which have been asked in last 2 years on FB. As a result good percentage of question matched during interview otu of 4 questions asked in 2 round.

Details of Interview Rounds:

  1. Technical Online/Phone Screening:
    Time : 45 mins discussion
    Setup : live coding on web. Compiling is not required and if you dont remember a API signature then also its okay.
    Questions : One on linkedlist reordering, and another on binary search tree validation
    Tips : Keep speaking your thoughts aloud and be quick to make decision an move. Only practicing problems can help you there. Ensure your Big’O’ understanding in tuned up.

After clearing telephonic my onsite round was scheduled @ Singapore office.

  1. Coding round - 2 separate sessions:
    Time : 45 mins discussion each
    Setup : White board coding
    Questions :
  • Max path sum on BST
  • Nested Integer array sum
  • Binary number sum
  • Letter combination on phone number
    Tips : LeetCode premium subscription helped alot. Practice using pen and white board
  1. Android Design / Architecture: 2 round as opening was for senior postion:
    Time : 45 mins discussion each
    Setup : White board designing and discssion
    Questions :
  • Desing functionality like GCM as a library solution
  • <<Do not remmeber as of now, willl update it soon>>

Tips : I am not sure as of now, cause my last year desing round’s feedback was great, but this time I was told that you have not showcased enough of Android knowledge. I believed desing rounds to be mostly technology indendpdent and has hence approach in more open way. Welll now I think specially for mobile development round do make sure to talk about technology terms and showcase why you are using them.
There is not much sample content out there about desing rounds around mobile technology. If any of you have links and suggestion to prepare for same then kindly provide links in comments.

  1. Behavioural/Motivations Round :
    Time : 45 mins discussion
    Read my last year post on this, similar questions. Keep it simple and truthful. I do came to know of a person who got rejected in this round, so do not take this lightly.

Overall Experience
Like last time the overall interview experience was great, and it has challanged me to push my self further. Planning to attempt again next year, with all round preperation. Trying to schedule interviews with more companies like Microsoft, Amazon to keep my self on toes :slight_smile: