First Round at GHC’19

  • Given a Maze image and a start and end point, find the best path to reach the end point. Constraints: The maze can be of irregular shape.
    Idea: map the maze paths to a graph and traverse using DFS.

Onsite Rounds

Round 1:

Round 2:

  • Resume walk through
  • Long discussion on one project. General questions such as challenges faced etc.
  • https://leetcode.com/problems/group-anagrams/
  • How to implement a task scheduler such that there are no read/write conflicts among registers.


Format: Task#: \<Input register\> \<Input register\> \<Output register\> 
Task 1: R1 R2 R3
Task 2: R3 R4 R4
Task 3: R3 R4 R5
Task 4: R4 R5 R6

Ans: 1 , 2 < 3 < 4 

Idea: topological sort and map. Little tricky as there are 2 inputs, need to use reverse topological sort and reverse map may be.

Did not ask me to code

Round 3 and Lunch interview:

  • Discussed two projects on resume. Asked for some details of the projects.
  • Design a timer and a music player for mobile. Asked me to write an API for music player.
  • Lunch: More and more discussion, questions from both the parties …

Round 4:

  • General behavioural questions like project discussion, challenges faced during projects, collaboration with the team, contribution in the projects, more on soft skills etc.