Facebook 跟 Salesforce 比简直是渣

吉姆·克莱默(Jim Cramer):这是Salesforce的关键年


克莱默(Jim Cramer)比较Saleforce的 Marc Benioff 和 Facebook 的马克·扎克伯格。


“不,这不是在商业和道德上的应有之义,这只是辩论课上的内容。这是一种现实的,巨大的斗争,目前在两种商业性质之间进行:Facebook的马克·扎克伯格和Marc Benioff。 Salesforce.com -真正是要赢得客户,股东和利益相关者的青睐。”他继续说道。

但是,Marc Benioff 在做什么,扎克伯格不是


“好吧,Marc Benioff 不会从种族灭绝,亲恋恋童癖者和偏爱种族的人那里收钱。Marc Benioff 将与您合作并保存您的数据,并且不会放弃任何东西,不出售它。”

Jim Cramer: This Is the Year of Truth for Salesforce

Who will win – Marc or Mark?

Cramer wrote about Salesforce (CRM) - Get Reportand its attempt to seek the truth in his Real Money column on Wednesday morning.

He compared Saleforce’s Marc Benioff to Facebook’s (FB) - Get ReportMark Zuckerberg.

“Which is a better business model, being a single source of truth for customers or being the world’s biggest source of lies for those who don’t know better? Do you want to affiliate with a culture that is offering a product that makes customers trust your organization with all of their data? Or do you want to be the world’s biggest propaganda machine for lies – and believe that, somehow, by looking the other way, via convenient, albeit disingenuous alibis, you are doing the right thing for society, for your users themselves and most important, profits for shareholders,” wrote Cramer.

“No, this is not some righteous homily on business and ethics, something in the ether of a debate class. It’s a real-life, titanic struggle playing out right now between two forces of business nature: Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook and Marc Benioff from Salesforce.com – and it’s really about winning the hearts and minds of customers, shareholders and stakeholders,” he continued.

But, what is Benioff doing that Zuckerberg isn’t

For Cramer, the answer is simple.

“Okay, well, Marc [Benioff] is not going to take money from people who are pro-genocide, pro-pedophile, pro-bigotry. [Benioff] going to work with you and preserve your data, and not give anything away, not sell it,” Cramer explained.
