亚麻 SDE2 Bellevue 上门挂经

A bit about myself: Graduated SJSU with a marketing degree in 2014. Did sales for about a year and did not enjoy it. Decided to take a boot camp (Udacity) to try and become an iOS Developer. Found out after my first interview that iOS skills and knowledge is not enough (I failed 2-sum problem). A buddy of mine introduced me to Leetcode.com and I have been doing my leets ever-since (total about 3 years now) while building experience working at small start-ups. Every once in a while a recruiter from a FAANGU will reach out and I will go through the interview loop. Initially I failed at every phone screen but nowadays I’ve been good enough to make it to the on-site.

店面: 20 min LP | 35 min algo | 5 min for ?s https://leetcode.com/problems/product-of-array-except-self/

第一轮: 20 min LP | 35 minutes algo | 5 min for ?s https://leetcode.com/problems/course-schedule-ii/

第二轮: 55 min LP | 5 minutes for ?s

第三轮: 10 min LP | 45 min system design | 5 min for ?s
Design a system for an api rate limiter

第四轮: 15 min LP | 35 min algo | 10 min for ?s https://leetcode.com/problems/search-in-rotated-sorted-array/

第五轮: 45 algo | 5 min LP | 10 min for ?s https://leetcode.com/problems/roman-to-integer/
