
Applied : September 19

OA1 : Received and completed on October 12

Debugging. Easy af and usually just changing around a couple key words.

OA2 : Received on October 12 and finished on October 13

2 technical problems. 1 medium and 1 easy straight from here. I got Longest Palindromic Substring and Most Common Word. Passed all test cases.

OA3 : Received on October 14 and completed on October 17.

Work simulation and logic test. I applied LP to every question possible on the work study, and I think I did decent on the logic test but I can’t say for sure (maybe missed a few?).

1轮VO : October 24

Did my final interview in the first full week of November. Had 2 LP at the beginning. One asking about ownership and one asking about bias for action . I had one medium level technical question copy-pasted from LC: A question that is extremely similar to Number of Islands.

Received an offer : November 13, offer for Seattle/Bellevue