微软New Grad阳谷上门

I had an onsite on Nov 8 in Sunnyvale office. It was a fun experience. I had total 4 rounds and lunch:
Round 1: I was asked about my projects and experience in detail. Had few white board coding questions:
Designing LRU Cache
Search in Rotated sorted array
Tree Traversals.
Round 2: Had a coding problem statement: Come up with optimal solution of searching queries (these were phrases) among many pages. I tried various approaches, the interviewer was expecting a finte state diagram (that we agreed could be one of the optimal solutions).
Lunch with the next interviewer (The food is amazing!)
Round 3: Had coding questions:
Given courses and pre-requistes determine how many semesters would be required to complete all the courses (Pre-req should be taken in previous semesters) (used Topological sort and BFS)
Had a question similar to https://leetcode.com/problems/find-median-from-data-stream/
The question was worded differently, but same logic worked to derive the solution.
Round 4: Few questions on Resume (mostly on ML and Distributed Systems). Coding question: Implement a right outer join, follow up question: Modify same code for inner join.

Leetcode 290 questions mostly easy, medium (15 hard).


Base: 119K
Stocks: 70,000
Joining Bonus: 20K

手上还有个 yahoo的SDE2的offer可以compete
Base: 150K
Stocks: 80K vested for 4 years
Joining: 30K