
Status: Junior, BS CS Top 10 CS school
Position: SDE Intern at Amazon
Location: Seattle, WA
Date: Nov 1, 2019

OA 1 - Debugging Round [20 Minutes]

  • Got 7/7 on this round
  • Not too difficult, similar to intro courses in college

OA 2 - Technical Round [70 mins]

OA 3 - Work simulation [2.5 hours]

  • These questions are meant be a test for Leadership Principle, I prepared by reading through and think of examples about the each LP
  • There are also code review, designing code
  • Personally this round is more difficult than the other 2

1轮VO 45分

  • Asked 2 LP question after introduction, first one was about handling a tight deadline, second is setbacks on projects
  • Technical questions was a BFS search between a start and an end in a graph
  • Follow-up: Are there ways such that all edges in the graph are used?


  • Online application: 8/8/2019
  • OA1 : 9/16/2019 (Completed same day)
  • OA2 : 9/17/2019 (Completed 9/19/2019)
  • OA3 : 9/19/2019 (Completed 9/23/2019)
  • Final Round : 10/23/2019
  • Offer : 11/1/2019


A class has many children and there is a widespread flu infection. A child can infect many other children. A child who has infected other children knows who they have infected. The children who got infected do not know who they were infected by. Find patient zero. There could be multiple patient zero’s and there could be exclusive groups of children.