亚麻Summer 2020实习过经

Status: Grad Student , MS CS
Position: SDE Intern at Amazon
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
Date: November 2nd, 2019

People might know the usual Amazon Internship Process steps, but for those of you who do not know anything about it, i would like to share my experience with them-

Online Assessment

OA 1 - Debugging Round [20 mins]:
7 questions in C, C++ or Java to be solved in 20 minutes. It was fairly doable. If your coding concepts are clear, you can easily get 7/7 correct.

OA 2 - Technical Round [70 mins]:
2 Algorithm questions straight out of Amazon Online Assessment Questions. I got Count Pair with given sum and Substrings of size k with k distinct characters. I really find myself lucky enough to get them, solved them in about 40 minutes, passing all test cases.

OA 3 - Work Style Simulation and Logical Reasoning Round [2.5 hours]:
This round has various work style simulations, which tests your decision making skills given any work related situation. Be thouroughly prepared with Amazon LPs, and irrespective of what is moral or not, always stick your answers to what a “Leader with Leadership Principals” would do, imagining yourself at Amazon, given any situation. Also, after the tiring work simulation, you have 25 logical reasoning questions to be solved in 35 minutes. This one is kind of rough and I just finished by the last minute.

Final Interview (1 round : 45 Mins )

After successfully completing the online assessments, I was invited to a survey to fill up my availability for final 45 minutes virtual interview round. First he asked me about myself to make me comfortable, then he picked my resume asked few questions about my resume projects regarding database and APIs.
Then he asked me 2 back to back behavioral questions based on disagree and commit and ownership LPs.
After that he threw one coding question (in online editor) and indirectly asked me to validate if a binary tree is a valid binary search tree. I coded it well using recursion. Then he asked about some edge cases and time complexities of the problem.
Lastly, he asked to explain how LRU cache works. Then he asked me to tell the ways to implement the LRU cache and then how to design internface for LRU cahce (API for client).

After 2 days i got my offer.