
// you can also use imports, for example:
// import java.util.*;

// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// System.out.println("this is a debug message");

class Solution {
    public int solution(int[] plants, int capacity1, int capacity2) {
        // write your code in Java SE 8
        if(plants == null || plants.length == 0){
            return 0;
        //To handle the case when there is exactly one plant with capacity = one of the two can's capacity 
        if(plants.length==1 && (plants[0] <= Math.max(capacity1, capacity1))){
            return 1;
        //Water first half of the plants
        int count =2;
        int water_cap = capacity1;
        for(int i =0;i<plants.length/2;i++){
            //water when possible
            if(water_cap >= plants[i])
                water_cap -= plants[i];
                //increase the count and refill the can
                water_cap = capacity1;
                water_cap -= plants[i];
        //Water second half of the plants
        int water_cap2 = capacity2;
        int x = plants.length/2;
            x = (plants.length/2)-1;
        for(int i =plants.length-1;i>x;i--){
            //water when possible
            if(water_cap2 >= plants[i])
                water_cap2 -= plants[i];
                //increase the count and refill the can
                water_cap2 = capacity2;
                water_cap2 -= plants[i];
        //To check the middle flower
        if(plants.length%2 == 1){
            if(water_cap + water_cap2<plants[plants.length/2]){
        return count;

public int waterPlants(int[] plants, int cap1, int cap2) {
  // input validation not needed

  int can1 = 0;
  int can2 = 0;
  int lo = 0;
  int hi = plants.length - 1;
  int numRefils = 0;

  while (lo < hi) {
    if (can1 < plants[lo]) {
      can1 = cap1;
    if (can2 < plants[hi]) {
      can2 = cap2;

    can1 -= plants[lo++];
    can2 -= plants[hi--];

  if (lo == hi && (plants[lo] > can1 + can2)) {
    return ++numRefils;
  } else {
    return numRefils;
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