亚麻西雅图New Grad三轮VO

3 Virtual rounds

Tell me about yourself

Merge k sorted arrays to one sorted array

Tell me about yourself
Tell me about a time when you had to work on a project with unclear responsibilities
Design question:
Design a chess game. What are your possible classes, objects, attributes etc. (No coding, only discussion)
What is the logic flow with this design ?

create an api and develop find and replace functions like linux command.

find (eg linux command: find dir_name file_name)

File f = directory path and file name
Helper functions:

return: List (all matched files)

LP questions:

  1. Tell me a time how you helped one of your colleague
  2. Tell me a time you came across an unexpected obstacle
  3. Tell me a time you could not deliver work on deadline
  4. Tell me about a time when you invented something

1st Round: Debugging: 7 questions in 20 mins
2nd Round: 2 Coding Problems in 70 mins
Both were pretty easy. First one was a variation of 2 sum (finding dictinct pairs in a list that add up to a target).
Second question was Copy List with Random pointer https://leetcode.com/problems/copy-list-with-random-pointer/
3rd Round: Work Simulation and Logical Ability. They’ll give you 4 hours for the work simulation, but takes only 1.5-2 hours. Focus on leadership principles for this.
Final Round: 30 min video interview. I was only asked to explain my approach for the 2 problems in the coding round. No background or behavioral questions were asked, no coding exercise either.

Got the offer after a week.