
Two behavioral questions

  1. Can you talk about an experience in which you had a deadline that you couldn’t meet and how did you handle it?
  2. Another question related to deadlines and what you learned (Don’t exactly remember)

One Coding Question

  1. Skier going down a mountain.
  • Write a program where you have a 2D array of MxN, starting at (0,0) and needs to return true if they can reach the bottom right-most index (M, N). Return false if they can not.
  • Skier can only traverse through portions of the array marked 0. If there is a 1 then the skier can not traverse that index.
  • The skier can only go down or right.
  1. Follow-up
  • What if the skier can go left as well.
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他问的好详细哦 最后问我做的这个和其他同类别product比较
我就like。。。。我其实连我这个product也没用过 我只是写了个feature 你还让我比。。。我 我不知道
第一个 有什么process之间交流的方式
第二个 又是我的知识盲区 1 billion intejer 找median要多久
我当场懵圈。我说sort一下NlogN啊 但是我不知道怎么变成时间啊
他说那你CPU跑多快。。我。。。我这个 这个东西难道不是偏硬件吗 我去我差点连GHz怎么念都不会。。叼我最后连蒙带猜说2.9GHz是不是一秒2.7million还billion cycle。。
swap equigalent tree 第二个是给每个node一个coordinate
比如一个node是(x,y) 然后他的left就是(x-3,y-1) right就是(x+1, y-3)
然后按照coordinpte x从小到大, x一样y从top到down 的顺序 output 这个tree


1 billion integers找median这题是不是已经sorted的list呢?如果是二分法找就可以了吧



Given a set of tiles, find set of words with maximum score given n tiles and a dictionary of valid words and a score of every lower case character. It is not necessary to use all tiles while forming the words.
Example -

Scores - a-1, b-2, c-2, d-4, e-1
Tiles - c, a, a, b, e, d, d
Dictionary - [“cab”, “bed”, “dad”]
Output - [“cab”, “dad”]

  1. Finding a file within a File System with multiple constrained like file name, file extensions, file size etc.
  2. Create an API and develop find and replace functions like linux command
    find (eg linux command: find dir_name file_name)