Clutter New Grad 白嫖OA 总结

OA的名字是“Clutter Technical Aptitude Test”,时间是45分钟的那个

头两题很简单,不记得了已经。。第三题是利口1181,hackerrank上testcase不全,所以务必记得考虑corner case!


目测短时间内收到一封 “Thank you for applying to XXX … and unfortunately … moving on to next candidate”



Q1: 给个String, 输出String最后一个字母和倒数第二个字母,中间用空格隔开。 稍微处理了一下几乎不存在的corner case

Q2: 给了一个List of String, 找到所有能够首尾相连的2个String,组成一个新的String。‘a man on a mission’ + ’ mission

statement’ = ‘a man on a mission statement’


Given list of phrases, connect all the phrases using common first and last words.

For example,
phrases = {“I like bubblegum”,
“bubblegum that is pink”,
“hi, how are you today”,
“today on this fine day”,
“day that is sunny”

The answer will be:
{“I like bubblegum that is pink”, “hi, how are you today on this fine day that is sunny”}

The order of the output phrases doesn’t matter (I think they just want you to connect as many as possible).

Challenge: do this in O(n). They didn’t really define n, I guess they just want you to loop through the phrases a constant number of times?