湾区科技公司招聘大量Entry Level岗位 (New Grads Friendly)

目前湾区早期科技类公司,释出大量Entry Level岗位,New Grads求职利好!

在湾区刚起步融到钱的A轮B轮公司缺人,招人很困难,但为了推进融资又必须上人; 所以会有很多初级工作岗位,对经验要求降低,对New Grads极度Friendly!



1、我们帮你找到硅谷本地CPT/OPT/OPT Extension的工作机会

  • 我们有最强的资源,如投资人董事席位、公司创始人关系等,能在第一时间获得公司放出的岗位;
  • 我们获知企业当下用人需求,并把学生简历直接内推到高层,由高层往下属推荐,省去初筛步骤;
  • 我们用心深挖学员优势特点,精确匹配企业,快速帮你拿下留美实习/全职offer!

*有急切身份需求学生,保证在OPT失业期 / OPT Extension申请期限内帮你拿下实习

  • 如果你是去年毕业,OPT Extension申请逼近还没找到工作; 抑或是21年初毕业/最近毕业,OPT即将生效或已生效失业期开始倒数; 进到硅谷本地真实企业,这些Entry Level真实Openings,都可以直接帮到你!!
  • 实习阶段Sponsor OPT/OPT Extension。真正进入公司实际做事, Guaranteed 3个月后转正评估,OPT Extension Project-based compensation保证通过。


  • 由实习转全职,降低录取门槛; 透过强资源绑定董事内推,将打破 “找不着工作,因为没有行业经验; 没有行业经验,因为找不到机会” 这个死循环!
  • 真实进入企业做事,表现好企业又需要人,自然可以转正。


(1) 给你硅谷本地真实企业实习,真实工作机会解决身份
(2) 透过实习,让你快速累积行业履历并提高自身能力,进而拿下全职工作

[部分Opening Samples]

  1. 斯坦福团队创业公司 ($68,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)
    一家为合作商家打造的一站式SAAS平台,包含Instagram,YouTube, Tiktok等数百万网红资源,是品牌扩大知名度最有效的工具。Lifo通过人工智能,大数据分析,和丰富的网红营销经验,为数以百计的品牌量身定制专属网红营销方案。

    【Data Analyst】

  • Interface daily with Academia’s Product Management team, Leadership and Executives;
  • Be responsible for building the PM team’s analytical skills and tackle many of the most challenging data analysis questions yourself;
  • Use data and analytics to routinely answer questions on user behavior and the results of product tests;
  • Routinely monitor product, financial, and user metrics for trends, changes, and unexpected behavior; work with the PM team to evaluate which metrics should be monitored;
  • Create reports to reflect various changes in business metrics;
  • Translate metrics, investigations, and findings into likely business outcomes;
  • Independently design an accurate and consistent framework for answering analytics questions;
  • Suggest new business and product opportunities based on data insights;
  • Proactively identify ways to improve day-to-day responsibilities, such as optimizing database structure, implementing report automation, researching the use of better analytics tools, etc;
  • Communicate business requirements to the rest of the Data Science team to enable new analyses.
  1. 北美SaaS行业全球领导者 ($75,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)

    【Data Engineer】

  • Provide seamless and timely data access for your users;
  • Build reliable and dependable ETL;
  • Build and maintain production machine learning infrastructure;
  • Troubleshoot complex issues in distributed systems;
  • Debate data processing philosophies and methodologies with your team;
  • Familiar with Python, Java, SQL.
  1. 北美最大的AI法律数据管理企业 ($80,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)
    通过简化数据沟通、透明进度跟踪、智能编译等完成案例系统管理,集成了个性化和机器学习技术,可以极大地减少非诉讼领域(例如移民请愿,公司合规性和商标申请)中的重复劳动。服务于500多家律所,影响了100多万客户, 创始人是卡耐基梅隆大学博士,先后就职于Yahoo、Facebook,担任Tech lead,连续成功创业者。

    【Data Scientist】

  • Handle and explore large amounts of legal texts;
  • Find similarities and differences between legal texts;
  • Find information in unstructured text documents;
  • Automate legal document analysis through artificial intelligence;
  • Map the law through citation and issue networks;
  • Predict the outcome of court decisions;
  • Familiar with Google Cloud, AWS, ML models preferred.
  1. 美西著名金融服务提供商 ($65,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)
    在全球资本市场,专门从事中间市场交易,提供独特的金融专业知识以及买方、卖方、和金融家进入全球市场的机会。为了最大程度地为客户提供服务,公司将服务重点放在收入在1000万美元至2亿美元之间的制造、分销、服务、和零售公司。拥有着丰富的经验知识和资源,可以使任何公司的交易无缝和达到最高效益 。

    【Financial Analyst】

  • Research industry trends, economic landscapes, competitor analyses, and other company-specific analyses;
  • Research and develop domestic and international buyer lists for current sell-side engagements;
  • Draft presentation materials (pitchbooks, offering memoranda, etc.) for potential and current clients;
  • Develop financial models and extrapolate current financial statements for forecasting;
  • Balance multiple assignments of several projects at a given time;
  • Attend training sessions on the fundamentals of investment banking - how to successfully close sell-and buy-side transactions from start to finish, learn about FINRA, how to draft an offering memorandum, valuation;
  • Build and maintain templates used for collecting data that feed into the central database;
  • Ensure processes, policies, and procedures are in place and create new ones where necessary;
  • Provide ad hoc analysis for management as requested;
  • Aggregate, validate, and store property / fund level data in central database;
  • Develop and maintain Power BI dashboards with KPIs and portfolio statistics for upper management and capital development team;
  • Analyze aggregated property level data in order to assess current fund needs and forecast future, fund performance;
  • Prepare monthly, quarterly, and year‐end reports;
  • Update quarterly marketing materials utilized by capital development team.
  1. 全球投资管理公司 ($65,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)

    【Business Analyst】

  • Ability to multi-task while demonstrating the ability to prioritize and manage time effectively;
  • Skills required include excellent organizational skills, problem solving; adaptability; decision making, building relationships; working effectively with others; communicating effectively; influencing others;
  • Deep expertise in Accident &Health underwriting, process and procedures with focus on service; executing well; planning and organizing work; and achieving results;
  • Advanced degree or equivalent training required, 3+ years of insurance underwriting experience;
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively within a team.
  1. 洛杉矶国际化集团公司 ($60,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)
    一家集生产制造、国际贸易、电子商务和投融资于一体的国际化集团公司,致力于整合世界最优质的产品和资源,利用先进的管理和供应链模式,服务于全球用户,为国际资源的深度融通和便利贡献价值。主营产品包含包装/餐饮/家居耗材、家用工具、汽车配件等,在北美已拥有成熟的线上及线下销售渠道,并已建立包装耗材垂直电商平台 。企业采用F2C的经营模式,让世界消费者与优质产品实现无缝对接,以最低成本享受最好的产品,截止目前,已有70多个国家和地区的客户享受服务。

    【Marketing Analyst】

  • Analyze the differences between our products and the top 5 competitors on the homepage;
  • Provide an objective point of view as a consumers to help improving the product presentation and refine our advantages;
  • Analyze the SEO keywords of each online platform;
  • Use the hiliem 10 to find our main competitors on Amazon and figure out their displaying keywords;
  • Optimize the promotion of our new products and strengthen the ROI;
  • Produce social media promotion everyday, analyze daily result, provide improvement proposal.
  1. 企业品牌出海加速器 ($75,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)

    【Front-end Developer】

  • 负责产品设计工作
    a. 产品的logo、VI等定义和设计
    b. 产品网页页面设计和产品表达
    c. 精准提炼并表现产品卖点和靶向人群
  • 负责产品网页制作工作
    a. 使用在线模板制作产品网页
    b. 完成网页前端HTML和CSS代码搭建
  • 有相关设计经验,熟悉PS, AI等设计、剪辑软件
  • 良好英文沟通和理解能力,善于学习,具备高度责任感和团队合作精神。
  1. 全球最大的物联网设备生态系统 ($90,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b, GC)
    通过智能蓝牙降低网络能耗,为企业、制造商和智慧城市提供低成本且安全的无线基础设施和数据库。 体系结构和系统设计利用所谓的“智能手机基础架构”,将智能手机用作网络的节点和基站。团队已开发出一种创新的方法,可以通过“连通性证明”来发展网络。使用此方法,移动应用程序开发人员和消费者可以通过使他们的智能手机提供诸如无线广播和带宽之类的资源来竞争和参与网络。应用范围可以从消费者跟踪到蓝牙标签定位货盘,货物,车辆和包裹以助力公司和组织; 以及无需特殊的投资和技能,仅需智能手机和移动应用程序便可以自动加入网络以有利于每个单独个体。

    【Software Development Engineer】

  • Provide seamless and timely data access for your users;
  • Build reliable and dependable ETL;
  • Build and maintain production machine learning infrastructure;
  • Troubleshoot complex issues in distributed systems;
  • Experience in React.JS, Next.JS, MUI, Redux or Redux Saga, HTML, CSS, Javascript;
  • Experience working with Hadoop /Hive /Spark.
  1. 硅谷国际商贸平台 ($55,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)

    【Marketing/Business Development】

  • 设计撰写公司宣传文案、推广文案、活动文案等市场营销文案; - 定期更新公司网站宣传内容;
  • 熟悉目标客户市场,根据市场的动态、公司要求,能独立完成活动策划; - 负责所有策划方案执行的跟踪督导及总结;
  • 负责公司行业合作伙伴(包括科技企业、创业公司、高校、协会、孵化器、投资机构)等的拓展及合作关系建立; - 协助中心日常活动的项目搜集及嘉宾邀请。
  1. 硅谷知名机器人科技公司 ($65,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b, GC)

    【Embedded Engineer】

  • Directly participate in full life cycle software and firmware development;
  • Develop software/firmware for projects related to sensors, control systems;
  • Develop algorithm related to OpenCV, Tensorflow, etc;
  • Code maintenance, including debugging and updating to keep pace with the evolving environment;
  • Improve testing automation, software quality, and data collection/analysis.
  1. 美西最大3D打印公司 ($60,000年薪,转正Sponsor H1b)
    目标创立浪费最少,让所有人都可以平等地不受限制地表达自己的创造力。其材料性能已超过了传统的批量生产,将3D打印直接带入大规模生产和定制,并扩展到原型之外。成立至今由硅谷著名的KPCB基金领投,北极光创投、 顺为资本跟投,已进入B轮融资。创始人为哈佛大学本科、硕士及Phd,先后任职于AT&T(贝尔实验室)、Bloom Energy(NASA 火星计划)、Mckinsey等多家知名企业。

    【Lab Technician/Support Engineer】

  • Operate State of the Art Proprietary 3D Printer;
  • Lead advanced experimentations to expand boundaries of 3D printing;
  • Maintain Lab Safety in accordance to required codes;
  • Prior experience with 3D printing required;
  • Knowledge of CAD design.


不知道自己所学专业可以做什么方向的工作? 我们帮你了解市场真实情况并计划之后的职业发展!美国知名对冲基金董事亲自辅导,Econ, Quant, Finance专业学生有福拉!

OPT Ext申请截止1个月前咨询,剩半个月签单,3天内火速拿下带薪Offer!

4.10咨询签单,4.14拿到两家Offer,OPT Ext迅速搞定,这就是我们的效率!

有学校工作履历,但缺乏行业经验,自己全职面试屡被拒。我们辅导其按步就班,先实习再争取转正,一周内拿下投行Marketing Data Analyst,Intern to Fulltime Hiring Offer!

[转正 & 全职!]
前期的信任,是需要建立。相信我们的,只要时间机会对上了,总会有好交付!$90K年薪 H1b GC Sponsorship!

老学员Refer自己朋友,必须给出最好交付!Paid Probation加上企业出钱帮学生报名考证,证书到立即给全职!


公司名称: MT Global US, Inc
地址: 950 Tower Lane Suite 2100, Foster City, CA 94404
项目网站: www.myopt.org
